ascension of the brand

iJesus, 2011

An archive of t-shirts collected and preserved between the years 2001-2011 in various regions of America showcase a trend that represents the ultimate deification of either a well-known detergent or coffee company, or else hints at how thin the line has become between commodity and religion.

Christ Is King, 2011

Jesus Christ, He's the Real Thing, 2011

Tell Jesus, Hilfiger It Out!, 2011

Meant To Die, For You 2011

Sacrificed For Me, 2011

Armed and Ready, 2011

You Who, He Died For, 2011

Lord, Take the High Road, 2011

Jesus Christ, Eternally Refreshing, 2011

His Death, Gave Me Life, 2011

Christ, Whitens Hearts Freshens Lives, 2011

Abreadcrumb and Fish, 2011

John Three Sixteen, 2011

CK, Christ Is King, 2011

He Saves, Taste And See That The Lord Is Good, 2011

JIF, Jesus Is Freedom, 2011

Addicted To Jesus, 2011

Radiate, The Light of Christ, 2011

Spirit, Obey His Word, 2011

Jesus, Sweet Savior, 2011